Our Mission
The Campbell Police Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 2012 for the purpose of “providing funding, training, and equipment for law enforcement, crime prevention, and emergency response needs for the City of Campbell, California.” The Foundation is guided by a Board of Directors, comprised of business, civic, and community service leaders in Campbell. Although the Foundation is not associated with the City of Campbell or its Police Department, the Foundation works with the City and the Police Department to identify needs and provide funding for programs and equipment, consistent with the established purpose of the Foundation.
The Foundation is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a public benefit, non-profit charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Code, section 501(c)(3), therefore contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible as permitted under IRS & Franchise Tax Board regulations. Campbell Police Foundation (EIN: 45-5543544). The Foundation is not a political organization and does not participate in campaign or legislative activities.
Contributions to the Campbell Police Foundation may be mailed to the address below, or made via PayPal on the Foundation’s website.
Campbell Police Foundation
PO Box 1984
Campbell CA 95009
Email Address: info@campbellpolicefoundation.org